SLA News

Who am I and how do we know? 

The SLA students have settled in well and have taken a 'deep dive' into learning for the new school year. Our Inquiry topic for Term 1 is 'Who am I and how do I know?"  We have been reflecting upon the  thematic text, 'Who Am I ?' by Phillip Bunting and asking questions like 'Am I my name?' and 'Am I my bones?'  Luca had one excellent and profound answer -  "My name is the finishing touch of me!" and Savannah reflected that " My name stays here after I'm gone". We have been  creative, teamed up and made our skeletal system out of pasta. It was a fun and a different way to analyse how our bodies are protected. 



SLA also had an Incursion opportunity; All About Money Lessons For Life with the organisation "Talk Money".  We were lucky enough to have Karis come in and chat to us about the difference between needs and wants when spending money and a useful acronym 'HEARD'  we can think of using when we're with our friends and looking at buying items. 


H: Hear don't just talk. 

E: Express your needs and wants. 

A: Ask I really need this?

R: Respect the other person. 

D: Disagree and say "No" if you need something else. 


As journalists in Literacy we have been highly engaged in our script writing and webpage development. If students have not already shared, SLA are being given the opportunity this year to enter the Australian Junior Journalist competition. We have brainstormed, planned and written our news report topics and scripts for interview.  Some students have also built websites and blogs. Stay tuned for exciting news reports  to come at the SLA Assembly. 


In Math, students have investigated primary and secondary data, creating digital displays in an excel application, interpreting and analysing data for meaning. Some students recognised (in their role plays as the Education Minister) that Australia needs to fund remote Indigenous reading programs - all from reading the data! 


Sally, Rhoe, Michael SLA