A Message from the Principal

Mrs Pauline Long

Parent Information Night and Welcome Back BBQ

Thank you to the parents and carers who attended our Parent Information Night and Welcome Back BBQ. A special mention to our teaching staff for the extra time and effort you put into planning worthwhile presentations for our families and to other staff members who helped supervise the students or prepare the food. Thanks also to ex student Jack Morris, his brother Joel and Alex Davis for helping with setting up and the BBQ.  For those families unable to attend, today teachers will send home an outline of the important information shared and how you can support your child’s learning this year. 



Please remember we encourage parent/teacher communication on a regular basis. The more we work together as a team this supports better learning outcomes for your child. All our teachers are willing to meet with you and answer any questions you may have. Our focus is to provide the best possible learning experiences for every child at our wonderful school. 


Music with Miss Hannah Caterer from the CON

The primary students welcomed Miss Caterer into their classrooms today and they had a wonderful time using Boom Whackers.


I will be away at the Principal's Meeting for Term 1 on Thursday and Friday of this week. Mrs Canham will be leading the school in my absence. These meetings are very important as they provide all the Principals in our diocese Professional Learning and also a time to share with each other.  I am disappointed to miss our swimming carnival as I am sure it will be a fun afternoon/evening for all.  Thank you to Mrs Batholomew for coordinating the carnival and to our PT & F for providing the delicious food.


Have a safe and happy week.

Pauline Long
