Chaplains Corner

Hello everyone! I’d love to know how your year has begun! 

Please feel free to come up and introduce yourself to me!

 I’m still getting to know everyone!


Well kids online are everywhere today! Searching out information, learning and gaming to name just a few reasons. There are many benefits to technology but perhaps you are not comfortable with some of the content/people your child may be exposed to online.

Recently I attended an e-safety workshop where they highlighted some keys to set up your child for success online

1. Your communication and relationship with your child is the key-you DONT need to be a tech expert! Phew!

2. Co-play with your kids online- discuss the content, privacy settings etc

3. Install software to monitor content

4. Set boundaries- it may be best to say you can do one game rather than 40minutes so they don’t need to stop mid game.

5. Talk to your children early and often-for example “Have you ever felt uncomfortable online??? You can ALWAYS come to me for help.etc”


Kind regards
