Celebration of 


Family Picnic Snaps - What a lovely afternoon!

Grade 2 problem solving

We have been developing our problem solving and number skills through some fun games like this one. The children needed to decide where each card would go if they were making  a number line from smallest to biggest. We had some great suggestions if two people were to pull out the same card. Alex suggested that we give the double to another person. Hudson suggested we put the double on top of the original. Zoe explained it was hard to know how much space to leave and Ivy shared that she used a strategy of counting on from the highest number to work out where to place the cards. 

Prep Pics

We have been investigating numbers, trying to read them, make them, write them and order them. Some of us like to experiment up to and beyond 10! We are such enthusiastic learners! 

We are practicing to write our names with a capital letter at the start and lowercase letters for the rest. We have already practiced forming I, i, s, f, m, c and o.

My what clever learners we are!!! 

We are so lucky to have Cheryl looking after our crossing and keeping our students safe. We learnt about crossing the road safely and to look left, right, left before crossing a road. We now know to stop behind the yellow line and to walk between the white lines. 

Sheryl’s husband Shane looks after us at the other crossing at our back gate in Frankston Flinders Rd! A big thanks to them both. We feel safe when we use the children’s crossing.

Preps are bringing show and tell to school to show their understanding of what sounds letters make.