Weekly Gospel Reflection

Matthew 17:1-9

Jesus is transfigured before Peter, James, and John.

Sometimes, without knowing it or even being aware of it, we can get locked in our own world. Our day-to-day interactions overtake us… work, cleaning the house, dropping off the kids, picking up the kids... This business means that we can lose sight of the fact that we are a part of a much bigger world. 


In this week’s Gospel Jesus takes his friends away from the day-to-day business of the market place and make a trip up to the top of the mountain. This is not unusual as this often happened, however this time Jesus was transfigured; he was changed. His face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light. The disciples were then further amazed as the prophets Moses and Elijah from the Old Testament appeared to be talking to him. These two people were seen as the greatest Jews that had ever lived, so to see them showed his importance as well as Jesus being the fulfilment of the Old Testament. 


This week we are challenged to, like the disciples, move away from our daily routine and look to open and change ourselves to Jesus. The children who are to receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation later this month are seeking to do just this. 


Through the Sacrament they seek to pause and meet with God in a very personal way. Our faith tells us that, for these children, they will be changed in a very tangible way as they Reconcile and ‘make things right with God.’ 



Grant use the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed 

The courage to change which can be changed

And the wisdom to know one from the other. 

St John Vianney,  Pray for us. 


By Jonathan Rooney with excepts from Micheal Moore OMI – Oblates.ie