Principal Post

Dear Families,

It was great excitement for our school and our Foundation students yesterday as we helped celebrate Brynell Francis' forthcoming wedding.   Our congratulations to Brynell who will marry Jake Lacriarde this coming Saturday! 

It is a very exciting time for them both and we wish them every blessing for Saturday and for their future.

Brynell will return to work after the Long Weekend as Mrs Lacriarde (Foundation L!!!)  

Preps celebrate with Miss Francis


Our condolences prayers and thoughts to Janita Felici and extended family on the passing of her father in law last Thursday evening. 

Meet & Greet Interviews Survey 

Thank you for your attendance at the Meet & Greet interviews last week. 

We have sent a short survey to get your feedback as to what worked well and what could be improved.  Thank you to the parents who have replied to this.  The survey link was sent yesterday via seesaw and is still open should you wish to provide feedback.

We also have the link HERE

 We will feedback the results in the next newsletter. 

Open Days & Enrolment (2024)

Our first 'Open Day' for 2023 was held on Monday with several new families touring our school! It was a most successful morning and wonderful to see our  Publicity and School Captains speak so confidently and with pride about our school. Our next 'Open Day' is Friday 8th March. Please spread the word about our school and encourage families to come for a tour.  We are hoping for three Foundation classes again in 2024. 

If you have a child that is coming to St John Vianney's  in 2024, PLEASE COME TO THE OFFICE TO COLLECT AN ENROLMENT  PACK.  A text message will also be sent to all parents later today.  We would like all sibling enrolment forms to be back by Friday  31st March to assist us with planning. 

Pizza with the Principal 

Our Foundation Families  will gather for Pizza with the Principal  on Wednesday 8th March, 6-7pm.  This night is an opportunity to enhance family-school partnerships and a great way for families to build relationships with each other.  

Information has been sent to you and we ask that you return your Pizza orders by the close of this afternoon.  

Congratulations to our Mini Vinnie Representatives

As part of our call to put our Faith into action we are delighted to have our Mini Vinnie Representatives up and running.  We congratulate and thank these students. 

Project Compassion Boxes have been sent home and are in classrooms.

From the office

There has been a large number of gastro cases at the school. A reminder to parents that if their child is unwell to please keep them at home. Thank you 

Operoo Database

If any families are having trouble logging into or joining Operoo please make a time to come into the office so we can support you.

Students can not attend offsite excursions without filling in  the Operoo  permission slip. Please note that hard copy permission forms will no longer be sent whilst we are usuig the Operoo oplatform 

Attendance / Punctuality

School begins at 8:45am with the roll taken.  All students need to be in their class by this time. This means that your child needs to be at the gate at 8:40am at the latest.  Students can access the classrooms from 8:30am.

Should a student be late they MUST come to the front office for a Late Pass. They will be marked as late on the Attendance Roll.  

Students coming from the back gate must be driven to the front office should the gates be locked.  Gates are locked by 8:50am 

Child Safety

Students should be supervised by parents on the basketball court area near the oval if arriving at school before 8:30am.  There is no teacher supervision before 8:30am 

OHSC operates each day from 6:30am .

1300 105 343

Please ensure you are  your child understands the pick up arrangements at the end of each day.  With so many students leaving the premises at the same time the school cannot be responsible for who picks up your child. Students will be taken  to the office if not picked up by 3.30pm.

PLEASE BE ON TIME as staff have meetings, appointments etc.