Specialist Subjects

In Science this term, our focus will be on Earth & Space Sciences. We will be exploring how Earth’s rotation on its axis causes regular changes, including day and night. We will also be learning about how Earth’s surface changes over time as a result of natural processes and human activity.
In Term 4, our focus will be on Biology. We will be investigating how living things can be grouped based on their features and the differences between living and nonliving things. We will also be exploring life cycles of plants and animals and how living things depend on each other and their environment to survive.
Throughout the semester, students will continue to develop their Science Inquiry Skills when conducting scientific investigations. There will also be a particular focus on Science as a Human Endeavour where students will expand their scientific knowledge and make connections to the real world.
Michelle Harous LA9
Physical Education
This semester, the emphasis of the PE program will continue to be the development of skills, coordination, cooperation, enjoyment and healthy, positive attitudes to physical activity, in order to prepare students for future recreational pursuits. The main areas of study will be on:
Football - The drop punt, handball, chest mark, overhead mark, goal shooting
Netball - Court positions, passing, movement, goal shooting, defence strategies
Soccer - Dribbling, kicking, trapping, passing and movement, goal shooting, team play
Cricket - Batting, fielding, throwing, catching, teamwork
Badminton - Forehand, backhand, overhead hit, serving, receiving, positioning
Softball - Throwing, catching, fielding, batting, base running, modified games
Skipping - Individual, partner and group skipping challenges
Gymnastics - Rolling, jumping, balances
Important dates
(for students born in 2006 or eariler):
SAPSASA District Athletics Day -
Tuesday September 13th, week 8, term 3
Back up District Day (in case of inclement weather) - Thurs Sept 15th, week 8, term 3
State Athletics Champioships -
Tuesday 27th September week 10 term 3
Mr G and Zoe Patterson
Students will use language in a range of contexts including introductions, descriptions and expressing likes and dislikes. Learning experiences will include reading and creating written texts, oral interactions, listening tasks as well as online learning. This term Die Olympischen Spiele (the Olympic games) gives a context to our language use and also a cultural perspective as we will look at Germany’s involvement in the Olympics alongside vocabulary to talk about different sports and events. In Term 4 we will do revision to consolidate language and structures introduced as well as looking at German festivals and celebrations.
Frau Edwards and Sarah Kroemer
Many Torrens students attend Greek Language lessons each Thursday.
Voula Pagonis LA22 (Thursdays)