LA 16 / 17

LA 16 & 17
Wecome to Semester two!
There have been a few changes to our classes since the start of the year. We have farewelled Lachlan S., Sonam and Ava and welcomed Shakilah, Eleni F., Paras F. and Kaitlin to our Torrens community.
We are looking forward to a busy semester!
The Arts
LA16 will be working with Mrs Kroemer in Media Arts. This involves students taking a series of photographs showing themselves and their friends as superheroes and villains. In doing this, they will be learning about use of basic shot types and angles and communicating a story with a clear beginning, middle and ending. The students will need to consider setting, costume, body language and also suitable colours and fonts to add text to accompany the images.
LA17 will be working with Mrs Andreucci in Dance. Students will collaborate to plan, create and perform dances and learn dances from other countries.
Our focus in Health this semester is about the Five Dimensions of Health, Making Friends and Keeping Safe. Topics include feelings, being safe, early warning signs, risk taking and emergencies. Students will be provided with many opportunities to explore and practise ways of interacting and responding in a range of situations. They will be helped to:
-reflect on the impact of their own behaviour on others
-modify their behaviour in response to feedback
-develop an understanding of social conventions
-engage in restorative practices to solve issues.
It's Show Time!
Students will be designing, making and appraising show bags. They will be planning their bags, showing their creativity and solving problems.
Students are encouraged to regularly bring their own device this semester so as to continually build onto their skills and knowledge and practise aspects of positive digital citizenship. In doing so, they have ongoing opportunities to personalise their learning. Students will be able to work using their Google account and access a variety of interactive sites to assist their learning. In addition, they will begin the early stages of coding.