Recording a Student Absence

Parents and carers can now log student absences on Compass anytime, anywhere!


When your child is absent or arriving late to school, you should let us know by logging the absence on Compass.


Absences can be logged in advance, so if you know that your child will be away in the future, you can pre-record this.


Please see attached information on how to report an absence.



Can I still notify the school of an absence by phone or email?

No, all absences will need to be logged online, however, Term 3 will be a transition period. Our office staff are available to support families to use the online process. 


What if I can’t access Compass?

Please contact the office and we will provide you with your log in details.


Can students log their own absences?

No. Legally students cannot provide explanations or permission for absences. It is critical that parent/carer Compass login details remain confidential and inaccessible to students.


Account access may be restricted if unusual absences have been detected.