Feeling Sick?

How do you know when a student should stay home?

Sometimes it can be hard to know how sick a child needs to be before they should stay home for the day.  We want to work together to stop illnesses from spreading to others.  Please follow the guidelines below.

Keep students home

when they are displaying any of these symptoms: 

  • fever of 38 degrees Celsius or higher
  • chills or sweats
  • persistent cough
  • vomiting or diarrhea - students should stay at home until they haven't thrown up or had diarrhea for at least 24 hours;
  • an oozing or weeping rash
  • have eyes that are pink and crusty.

Be sure to notify the school if:

  • Your child needs to stay home for the day
  • There is a case of chickenpox, meningococcal or tuberculosis infection within your household.  This is particularly important so that children in our school community who are more vulnerable to infection can be protected.

Please consider others and be sure to stick to the guidelines above.  It may be inconvenient to have a child stay home for the day but please think of others and help protect the health of all students and staff.  For some, catching someone else's bug might just be a small inconvenience.  For others, it might seriously put their health at risk.


The link below provides further information on conditions such as conjunctivitis, chickenpox, COVID-19, gastro, hand foot and mouth, colds and flu and more.