Curriculum Matters 


We had a lovely start to the Foundation year with students settling in well and getting to know their classmates and teachers.

Level 1

All the students in Year 1 have settled really well back into the school year. Our SEL focus for the beginning of the year has been on Resilience. 

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying “I will try again tomorrow.” – Mary Anne Radmacher. 

We have spoken about the School Wide Positive Behaviour matrix with the students and they are beginning to receive tokens for displaying these behaviours. 

The students have also enjoyed doing many “getting to know you” activities and activities about their holiday break. Some of the activities have included holiday snapshots, all about me puzzle pieces and Rainbow fish activities. They have had many opportunities to come together with their friends across the level. 

We look forward to a great year together. 

Level 2

On Wednesday 8th February the Level 2s enjoyed a Teddy Bear Picnic with their friends under the new sail shade next to the staff room. 

We really enjoyed spending time with friends from different classes. 

We are now working hard on writing a fantastic recount about our time at the picnic!

Level 3

Level 3’s start to the year has been very positive and productive! 

We are enjoying learning in the newly renovated portables and mixing with each other! Lots of partner and group work has supported getting to better know our peers and a team approach. 

Creating marble runs using LEGO supported our STEM learning, collaboration skills and provided lots of fun!

Level 6