Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School



Principal:                         Kevin Oakey






Assistant Principal:     Kellie Stewart







Welcome back.

It is fantastic to welcome back all the students and families to the school community for 2023. And a particularly warm welcome to all the new and Foundation families. There has been a definite buzz around school this year and everyone seems keen to get stuck into learning and school activities.

Working Bee

A general maintenance Working Bee has been organised for Friday 17 Feb. Please, we need LOTS of people - many hands make light work!!


This working bee is just general garden maintenance - weeding, trimming, whipper snipping, etc. Even 1/2hr helps please!!

Important Reminders

2023 Student Fees - can I ask parents to follow through with payment of school contribution (fees). The contributions may have been missed by some families at the end of last year.


We understand that all these contributions are voluntary, however please also understand that the income from these contributions helps pay for many of the vital resources and programs that the school offers. They also allow us to plan for upgrades and repairs to areas of the school, as well as plan for some more major facility developments in the future. 


There are links later in this newsletter that will take you to the school webpage, where the recommended contribution letter for each year level is available.


We hope that you are able to support us.


School Council - nominations for School Council will be soon distributed to the school community. We have a fairly stable School Council at present, though there will need to be some movement this year as some families have departed the school. If you are interested in a role on school council please contact me or pop in to the office for a chat.


JPPC AGM on Friday 17 Feb at 2.30pm - the Jells Park Parents Committee is a very active group that supports the school through fundraising activities and community social events. Their AGM is on next week, so if you are interested in helping out please attend. New members are VERY welcome.


Buildings & Grounds -  the new shade sails have been installed (at last). The JPPC will be working on some seating for the front sail area - thoughts and contributions welcomed. 


We are getting quotes to repair some of the concrete around the school, particularly outside the ELC and the step in front of the new Level 3 buildings. 


I would also like to refurbish the 5 decking areas in the school, landscape the front of the school near the junior sandpit and get some painting done.


If there are any school community members that can supply these services (deck restoration, landscaping or painting) or have great contacts for these services, please let me know.


Kevin Oakey


School Photos

Our annual school photo day will be on March 15th. We look forward to seeing students in full school uniform on this day. Our preferred method for ordering photos is online. Please see the brochure below for instructions on how to do this. If you are unable to order online there are envelopes available at the office. Sibling photos will be happening again this year. Please refer to the instructions below for deadlines and ordering information. 

NOT for publication - if you do NOT want your child included in the school photos you must inform the school.


Music lessons

Over the past 12 months we have had a few requests for private violin lessons to be offered here at JPPS. I am pleased welcome Marika to the school who is offering violin lessons in addition to piano lessons. We are also pleased to announce Paul is continuing with Guitar lessons. For more information please refer to the Extracurricular page in the newsletter.


Parenting Program

Monash Family Services is delivering the Tuning in to Kids parenting program next month.  The flyer below has more details.


Have a lovely weekend.


Kellie Stewart

Assistant Principal