This Week's Updates

Dear Families,
The students all settled in so well to their first full week last week. Our Year Six camp was a highlight and it's certainly worth mentioning that we received a few compliments from the camp staff regarding our student's attitude, behaviour and manners. Look out for a Camp Reflection with a few pics in next week's newsletter.
Wednesday's Information Evening
Ideally, all parents would attend the session in your child's class and the whole school session in the Community Centre
6.30 - 7.10pm First Session in classrooms presented by class teachers
7.15 - 7.55pm Whole school presentation in the Community Centre lead by the Principal
8.00 - 8.40pm Repeat session in classrooms presented by class teachers
Founders Day Celebration Mass
This Sunday at 11.15am we will honour Rosemary and Barry Jess for the huge contributions they made to our St John's Parish and our St James school.
COVID-19 reporting requirements
Schools are no longer asked to report positive COVID-19 cases centrally to their diocesan education office.
Neither are we required to alert school communities of positive cases.
The Department of Health recommends that a person who tests positive for COVID-19 should inform those with whom they have recently been in contact, including their workplace, school and household.
Rapid antigen tests
Schools will no longer receive supplies of rapid antigen tests (RATs). These are now available for all Victorians from council sites. Further information can be obtained from the CECV COVID-19 advice.
A few more updates:
- Scholastic Book Club - First issue is due back Wednesday 15th February. Order via Scholastic Loop online, via the Loop App or send order form with payment to school. Any questions contact Bron Welch on 0400 108 124.
- School Fees - A reminder that School Fee Statements will be sent home over the next few weeks - the delay is out of our hands, but we apologise for the inconvenience. Direct debit forms were sent via Operoo and need to be returned ASAP for those who wish to pay in installments - these forms are not required to be returned if you wish to pay in full. Please feel free to contact Lisa directly for a balance of your fees.
- Wanted - Second hand uniforms - If you have any second hand uniform items you would like to donate, please feel free to drop them in to the office.
- Combined Second Hand Uniform Stall & Morning Tea - Monday 20th February at 9am to be held in the Community Centre. All welcome.
- School Photos - We have been made aware that School Pix have printed some of the order forms incorrectly again. We have been assured that the codes on the forms are able to be used even if the class name is wrong. If you did not receive an order form, please contact the office. We will endeavour to check the proofs with School Pix to make sure all details are correct before printing.
- Year Three Mass this Friday 17 February at 9am in the Community Centre.
Looking forward to having everyone back this week.