St Brigid's News and Events

RE News
The season of Lent begins next week, starting on Ash Wednesday. Ashes are what remain after a fire has gone out. They are a symbol for us—of death and of grief. Many Christians today receive a cross of ashes on their foreheads. This cross of ashes signifies that we are blemished; we are not perfect; that a fire has gone out in us too and needs to be rekindled. This cross of ashes signifies that we are ready to change, and to make efforts to set out lives firmly on the way of Christ. We will celebrate the beginning of this season with Mass in the school Hall @ 2.15pm. Families are welcome to join us.
Ash Wednesday – 22 February 2023
Next week, the season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, which also marks the beginning of the annual Caritas Australia Project Compassion Appeal. Donations to Project Compassion allow Caritas Australia, the Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development, to work with local communities around the world to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.
The theme of Project Compassion 2023 is ‘For All Future Generations’ and reminds us that the good we do today extends to impact the lives of generations to come. It invites us to make the world a better place by working together now and finding long-term solutions to global issues. We encourage you to put your compassion into action this Lent through prayer, fasting and almsgiving in support of Project Compassion. Each family will receive a Project Compassion box for their donations or you can donate online via the Caritas Australia website at:
Foundation Mass
Just a reminder that our Foundation Mass at Braeside Park is on Sunday 19th February at 10.30am. Looking forward to seeing our families there to celebrate and welcome our Foundation students. All St Brigid’s community are welcome to join us.
Update to Families from MACS
Staying safe from mosqitoes
Recent wet and warm weather has increased mosquito breeding. Mosquitoes can carry diseases that may be passed on to people through mosquito bites. A range of mosquito-borne diseases have recently been detected in mosquitoes in northern Victoria. Mosquito-borne diseases can cause serious illness, including infections of the brain, with children particularly at risk.
The best way to prevent mosquito-borne diseases is to avoid mosquito bites.
In line with community health advice , families can protect against mosquito bites by:
- using insect repellent that contains picaridin or DEET on all exposed skin if outdoors when mosquitoes are observed, from October to March
- wearing long, loose-fitting clothing outdoors if possible if mosquitoes are around and covering exposed skin as much as possible. Summer school uniforms, including polos and shorts, can continue to be worn, but students should use insect repellent on exposed skin if mosquitoes are active
- limiting outdoor activity when mosquitoes are active.
Further information
- A handy guide to help protect you and your family from mosquito-borne disease
- Better Health Channel information about preventing mosquito-borne diseases.
Make a Difference
Savers Plus
Saver Plus is a free financial education program where participants can plan ahead for study costs and get up to $500 for education expenses after 10 months. If you have a Health Care Card and are studying yourself or have a child studying you may be eligible to join the program. Register here to attend one of their February Information Sessions or email them directly at
St Mary of the Cross Parish News
Please refer to the Parish website