Performing Arts

Performing Arts Co-Curricular Program
The program is now in full swing, and we have some updates to report.
Creative Music in Schools
Annie Bui, teaching piano and violins, has commenced lessons.
We are expecting to be offering lessons in guitar and voice with a new teacher, starting later this term.
Anyone interested in learning guitar, singing, piano or violin can ask their Music or Drama teacher for an information brochure. or they are available from the Performing Arts Office.
Performing Arts Student Leaders 2023
With the addition of a Senior Rock Band to the program we now have our student leaders in place for the year.
They are:
Performing Arts Co-Captains: Leanne Paul and Viven Tran
Marian Choir United: Angel Brown and Victoria Messina
Concert Band: Stephanie Nguyen
Play Ukelele!: Nikki Khumba (Leader) and Claire Oram (Mentor)
Senior Rock Band: Danielle Barbar
Performing Arts Ensembles
We are excited to announce the launch of a Drama Club! This will give students who love Drama a chance to extend their practice in a co-curricular setting with like-minded students from other year levels. We thanks Ms Desmond and Ms Shepherd for giving their time to run this club.
And speaking of ensembles, here is a brief word from one of our Marian Choir United Leaders to complete this edition:
Marian Choir United speaks for itself in its name; United in one accord. Our Choir was formed from the Marian College Choir and the Gospel Choir United, and we became one, to worship and adore the Lord, and to be able to represent our school through music and singing. We are Angel Brown and Victoria Messina the Co-Leaders of this wonderful group. We will experience a lot of music genres throughout the year including Gospel Music, Classical Music, Contemporary Pop and Musical Theatre. Our groups have combined at the start of this year and are learning to collaborate and expand our interests in our singing. So far it has been very exciting and joyful to be together. We have supporting teachers like Ms Eleanor, Ms Andrews, Ms Profeta, Mr Cooper and Ms Desmond who we look up to for assistance in the different music genres we learn. In that way we express ourselves in our own individual talents which makes us complete as one ensemble. When we sing together we feel connected and when new members join it feels like we have added another member of the family, that is how close we are to each other.
Angel Brown
Mari Eleanor