Year 7 

First Impressions

Year 7 Student Reflections of Transition Activities

Orientation Day

An exciting day full of surprises awaits year 7 students on orientation day. You get to participate in a multitude of enjoyable activities, such as:

  • Meeting your classmates
  • Planting a tiny flower to take home
  • Get to know you activities and many more fun things

You get to meet new people and your homeroom teacher. You get a bag full of resources and a list of things you will need in the following year. Orientation day was held in December while we were in grade six and it was a great way to get an idea what the school would be like before we started this year.

Jasleen Kaur, 7 Tullow


Transition Week

Day 1: Welcome Day 


Buttoning up my collar, pulling up my socks and zipping up my bag, I was getting ready for my first day of school.  Walking into Marian I knew no one, it was honestly just nerve wracking especially when I had just moved from New Zealand. We all met in the auditorium which was good as I had not been to Orientation so I got to see the whole of year 7 together and meet all the homeroom teachers and Year Level Leader and get an overview of the day. Next was homeroom, I stayed quite silent just for a few moments in my new classroom. We got our lockers, timetables and laptops, learning about the school environment and spending time getting organised for our classes. 


We then had a whole school assembly. All the year 7’s walked in homeroom by homeroom to be specially welcomed. Sitting down I heard voices from behind me, it was Maddy and Zoe talking behind me about how HUMONGOUS the gym was and I absolutely agreed with them especially when all the year 7’s were sitting right in the middle of it and all the other year levels. 


We had no classes on this day. We spent the day with our homeroom decorating the room and played ‘ice breakers’ and ‘get to know you activities’. I did them with Maddy and Zoe and this made me have the confidence to ask if I could hang out with them and they said yes, so that was a relief. Zoe, Maddy, Adrienne, Ekam and I decided to all hang out  and I told them how lonely I was during snack but that didn’t matter as I actually now had made some friends.  We laughed and talked and at the end of the day I had really, really enjoyed my first day. Thank you.  Georgia Tangi, 7 Tullow



Day 2: Understanding Technology at Marian  


On Thursday the 2nd of February 2023, we commenced our second day of year 7. We got a little technology lesson on how to use our laptops. In this informative session, we learnt how to use our learning platform SEQTA, we learnt about the dashboard, colour coded our timetables, sent some test emails and made Google Drive folders to help us be organized throughout the year. Personally, my favorite part was learning how to use SEQTA because we will use this daily, it’s an easy set up, and it’s user friendly. Sabrina Winduss, 7 Kildare



Day 3: Values for Life - Hit the ground running: 


On Friday the 3rd of February, all the Year 7’s gathered in the O’Neill Auditorium for a very important incursion. It was called ‘Hit the Ground Running’. This presentation was all about getting the most out of high school, in academics, friendships, clubs, and more. We dove into what a good study space looks like, and how our relationships can affect our wellbeing. The lecture was very helpful, but best of all, it was filled with fun activities and games used to symbolize different scenarios. Every one of my classmates and I agree: ‘Hit the Ground Running’ was a great way to kick off our school year. Alexis Tremoulis, 7 Kildare



Day 4: Marian Amazing Race and Meet Your Buddy. 


On Monday the 4th of February, all of us Year 7’s got to meet our amazing Year 8 buddies. We got a list of fun challenges to do around the school as part of the Amazing Race such as doing a blind contour drawing of our buddy in the DAT building, getting lollipops from the canteen and meeting some of the counselors at Marian. We really enjoyed this experience and felt excited that we got to meet new people. We also felt really comfortable with our buddies, and it is wonderful that we now have new people to support us around the school. Charlotte Stephenson & Isla Penza, 7 Delaney


Year 7 Personal Reflections


The first day of school

Your first day of high school is something that you will most likely remember and cherish for the rest of your life. It is the beginning of a new journey: New people, new teachers, new routine, new school, new friends, FRESH START. 


My first day was personally very hectic, all over the place and fun. I don’t remember everything in full detail but here’s what I do remember: So, the day started off with me getting on the bus from Bacchus Marsh to Sunshine. I sat near some 10th graders and they gave me some advice about year 7 which was nice. I was feeling a bit nauseous and VERY nervous arriving at school. I immediately started looking for Adreinne and Zoe (the friends that I had made on Orientation Day, because I didn't have anyone from my primary school come to Marian). As soon as I saw them it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. My friends definitely helped me get through the first day. 


Some other people who helped me were my teachers. They were all so helpful, considerate and understanding. My teacher (Ms Justice) did a full school tour so we could know where everything was. I remember feeling so relieved when the bell went for recess. That first break was very memorable for me because that’s when my friendship group was formed. I met Abeny, Maddy , Georgia and reunited with Nisha! 


For the rest of the day we basically did “ice-breakers” and “get to know each other” activities. By the end of the day I was practically bursting with excitement at all the new things I had experienced that day. So when I was getting on the bus to go home I was thinking two things. Firstly: Was it going to be easy to transition into high school? No. Secondly: Was I ready to come to this place for the next six years and try my best no matter what? Yes. Thank you so much to all the people who made me feel welcome on my first day! Ekam Kaur, 7 Tullow



New Experiences

When changing from primary school to secondary school there are so many new experiences. One of the many things that is new and exciting are the different foods and beverages on offer. At Marian there is a cafe, canteen and even a breakfast club. What makes it even better is that everything is so affordable. Some primary schools might have had some sports teams but at Marian there is a club for almost everything! There are sports teams like Tennis, Netball, Badminton and so much more that aren't even sports like chess club, bike club and crochet club. O Day is just next week where we get to sign up to be in a club or two. Majority of primary schools had one main teacher for almost all classes. In secondary school there are so many new teachers to meet and create relationships with. All of these things listed are just thrilling.  Even though I've just been here for a few weeks I know that Marian was a great choice. Angelica Mathieson, 7 Tullow



Coming to Marian

My name is Brooke, and I’m an SPG and class representative for the Kildare homeroom. I am going to tell you about my, and other students' experiences, transitioning to Marian, and how the staff have helped us transition. 


I come from a very small primary school and it was an enormous shock to me how different Marian and secondary school is. Still, even just a few weeks into the school term, I can tell I’ll find my place here soon enough. The biggest difference for me, and the hardest thing to become accustomed to is the timetables. Not just the changes in weeks and lesson times, but the subjects themselves. In primary school we had less subjects, and it was more just a few hours outside the main classroom for different subjects per week. Now having to remember what things to get for each class and the homework for each class is difficult. However, most of us have been able to go with the flow and sort ourselves out pretty well. 


Another thing is friends. Coming from a small school, I didn’t know anyone coming here originally. Now I have a couple good friendships and am on the way to making others. It isn’t easy talking to so many people, though, especially after lockdowns. 


I think this is general across the group of year sevens. We’re all slowly getting used to high school and the changes that come with it. Some people can manage better than others, some people are able to grow accustomed easily, and some people get overwhelmed often. 


The teachers have all been nothing but friendly and helpful, especially with telling us what we really need to focus on, and what we don’t need to worry too much about. The several different transitional activities we’ve done have helped to prepare us for what we need to know in the coming years.


Overall, me and the other year 7s are excited to learn, make new friends and have some amazing experiences. Brooke Lamberton, 7 Kildare