Learning & Teaching

Extra Classes and Tutorials at Marian
At Marian College, we have a strong focus on ensuring that each student makes good progress and experiences success. Every student should be able to make at least one-year’s progress in learning for every year at school. In many cases, we are able to report confidently that our students far exceed this goal. To support student progress, we are pleased to be able to offer a range of extra classes and tutorials in 2023.
These include:
- Year 7 – 12 Period 5 Maths Class - every Thursday from 3.05 - 4.15 in the Louise Cleary Year 9/10 Building (downstairs). Five experienced Maths teachers are on hand to teach content and skills, provide tutorial support or revision, including exam practice, as well as extension work. All year levels are welcome and encouraged to attend.
- Monday Homework Help - every Monday afternoon from 3.05 – 4.00 pm in the Louise Cleary Year 9/10 Building (downstairs). Ms Amanda Zalac provides support with homework, study and revision to students in any year levels. Ms Zalac is an experienced English, Humanities and LOTE teacher and is able to assist students with a range of subjects and study techniques.
- VCE Period 1 Wednesday English and Maths Tutorials – VCE English and Maths Teachers are timetabled to take these sessions. The English sessions are most particularly for Year 12 students and Maths is offered for all Units 1 - 4 Mathematics courses. If students do not have a scheduled SAC at this time, they are encouraged to access these sessions. These take place in the classrooms downstairs in the Ngali Building.
- VCE Period 1 Wednesday Visual Arts and Technology Folio and Exam Preparation – one of our experienced VCE teachers will be on hand for students in the Design Warehouse every Wednesday, Period 1. Students will benefit from extra time to work on folios and complete exam practice questions.
- In addition, there will be a range of other extra classes/tutorials/revision sessions that teachers will run at lunchtime and after school for VCE students. The schedule will be published shortly and may be updated throughout the year.
Please encourage students to take advantage of these extra opportunities that our teachers are providing for our students.
Jane Goddard
Assistant to the Principal - Learning & Teaching