Term Dates

Term Dates | |
Investiture Assembly (amended timetable) | 24/02/2023 |
EXC - Yr 12 Enviromental - Zoo - P1-L | 28/02/2023 |
EXC -Yr 12 Legal | 28/02/2023 |
Open Morning | 7/03/2023 |
SCSA - Tennis | 8/03/2023 |
EXC - 10/12 Physics | 10/03/2023 |
Public Holiday: Labour Day | 13/03/2023 |
Year 7 Camp | 15/03/2023 |
NAPLAN Writing Day 1 (Year 9) | 15/03/2023 |
Year 7 Camp | 16/03/2023 |
Year 7 Camp | 17/03/2023 |
St Patrick's Day Mass | 17/03/2023 |
NAPLAN Writing Day 1 (Year 7) | 20/03/2023 |
EXC - Project Runway- P3-H | 21/03/2023 |
Yr 7 Immunisations - Boostrix and 1st dose HPV | 29/03/2023 |
PTS (Years 8, 9, 12) Amended Remote Timetable | 30/03/2023 |
GYL Youth Forum -Selected Yr 9 Students | 31/03/2023 |
Exc - P1-L -Yr 12 Enviromental - Werribee Treatment Farm | 3/04/2023 |
Open Morning | 4/04/2023 |
PTS (Years 7, 10, 11) Amended Remote Timetable | 4/04/2023 |
Marian News | 5/04/2023 |
Easter Liturgy | 6/04/2023 |
Last Day of Term (students finish 3.00 pm) | 6/04/2023 |
Good Friday | 7/04/2023 |
Easter Sunday | 9/04/2023 |
Easter Monday | 10/04/2023 |
School Holidays | 10/04/2023 |
School Holidays | 17/04/2023 |
Staff PL Day (Student Free Day) | 24/04/2023 |
Public Holiday: Anzac Day | 25/04/2023 |
All Students Begin | 26/04/2023 |
For a comprehensive list of term events, please visit the website: