Wise words with...

Mr Asher | Head of Secondary

Developing Christian leaders

The school year is well and truly underway. It has been great for our students and staff (and parents) to get into a routine - classes, extracurricular activities, what uniform to be wearing on what day and school lunches! In the routine of my week, each Monday I get the opportunity to meet with the Secondary Student Leadership Team - our Captains and Prefects. These young adults continue to amaze me with how they juggle their studies, have a life outside of school and manage their leadership responsibilities at school.


Our student leaders in their approach to what they do, reflect the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 20:26–28 “It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” 



Christian leadership isn’t about a badge or a position, but it is directly linked to how we can improve the lives of those around us, how we can meet their needs and make the world a better place. Our student leaders aim to achieve that. They regularly reflect on what is happening in our school and aim to make our school a place where everyone feels accepted and truly belongs.


I have also had the privilege of interviewing and announcing our first-ever NCS Student Ambassadors - this is a group of students who are also taking on leadership roles, and this will be by assisting Mrs Herring and Mrs Dickinson to represent the school to current and prospective students and families at expos, marketing events, school tours, as well as assist at other NCS community events. I look forward to being involved in their training and seeing how they promote our school.


We have a wide range of ways that our students can be leading and serving - House Captains, Bible Study Leaders, CRU and FISH Leaders. I encourage all of our students (whether they have a recognised position or not) to look for ways that they can have a positive impact on our School. Just this week I was able to meet with a group of Senior Students who, on their own initiative, are planning how they can be reading the bible One-to-One with students who express an interest.


Another recent initiative, set up by our Primary Chaplain - Mrs Thuaux is our Christian Leadership Program, it will be great to see how our young people are equipped for a life of service in their training this year. 


Please continue to pray for the leaders in our school - Board Members, our Executive, Teachers, Staff and also our Student Leaders, that they can lead well and that they will find joy in the various ways they serve our school community.