School News 

A Note From Emily

I wanted to challenge you this coming week with some mindfulness. As you go about your day, your challenge is to be mindful within a conversation you have and intentionally create 2 positives within that conversation. Afterwards, can you reflect back on what was their body language in this conversation? How did it make them feel? How did it make you feel? It doesn’t need to be a long conversation, but it can make a world of difference in your day. 


Pastoral Care Worker 

Library Returns Reminder

Recently we have had several instances of Adelaide Hills Library books and Uraidla Primary books being returned to the wrong locations. As the mobile library van no longer visits the school we are not able to accept their returns here and they are no longer able to deliver any of our books that have been returned to Woodside or Stirling. This means one of our staff have to make the trip. Could you please check to see that you are returning your books to the right location.

Thank you.

Help Wanted

Can you spare 30 mins after assembly to help serve drinks? 

The P&F love bringing the Uraidla Primary community together but need a little extra help.

 We are looking for volunteers after assembly each fortnight, to help make hot drinks, take money and wash cups.


All the tasks are really simple or just require some simple training to use the coffee machine.


If you can help just once or regularly, please email Amanda Preskett ( with the date/s you can do (assembly dates listed below).

Or just drop into the gym kitchen after the next assembly and let us know.


Thanks so much! Parents and Friends 


Term 1 dates (Every second Friday odd school weeks after assembly)


March 3

March 17

March 31

April 14 (last day of term)

Donations please 

We are looking for toys for the yard, for example rakes, shovels, old trucks, colanders, kitchen items for our mud kitchen, unbreakable plates and cutlery.  We'd also like any safe branches or sticks or other bits and pieces for our bases. 

Thank you from the students of SRC! 

Camp notice

We'd like to give parents a 'heads-up' that the Mylor Adventure camp is booked for all students in Years 2-5, September 27-29.  The costs are not yet calculated exactly but it looks to be in the ballpark of $300 per child. Reception and Year 1 students will likely attend a Day Camp program at a lesser cost. There will also be a Year 6 camp and overnight Aquatics later in the year. 



CHECK: Covid measures 

Here are the current recommendations from the Department for Education:  

COVID safe measures

  • All students and staff must stay home if unwell, even mildly. If students become unwell at school, we are unable to care for them here and we will be contacting you to collect them asap. Please have a plan in place for someone who can collect your child within a half hour. 
  • We will be maximising ventilation by leaving doors/windows open, using air conditioning and fans, and keeping doors and windows open. 
  • Adults will practise physical distancing where possible. 
  • We will continue to practise and promote hand and respiratory hygiene. Hand sanitiser will be provided for regular use, and disposable masks.

Face masks

  • We are still recommending adults and children in Years 3-6 to wear masks inside, to minimise the risk of infection. However, we are now leaving this up to individual discretion. 
  • If there is a known case in the family of a child in any class, we are encouraging the adults and children in that class to all wear masks during the infectious period. 

Pick up and drop off

  • In the morning please continue to drop children off at one of the entrances to the school grounds, and allow them to make their own way to their classrooms. If you need to speak to your child’s teacher, please make contact through the SeeSaw app. 
  • We are now welcoming families to come into the yard at the end of the day