Learning Centre News... 

Learning Centre One

We have made it to halfway through Term one! What an exciting few weeks of learning for the grade preps! They’ve all done a great job in following directions, getting their work complete and ensuring they follow the school core values. 

In Literacy, we have begun learning our new set of sounds ( G, O, C, K, CK, E) in our phonics time. The students have engaged in a range of language experiences relating to the text ‘Wombat Stew’ where they created their own ‘Stew’ using a range of edible materials. The preps have used their senses to explore how stories make them feel, what they see and hear while reading.

In Maths, the preps have been exploring how to create a continuous pattern using colours, textures and shapes. They’ve also played a range of number games that has exposed them to numbers and what elements make up a number.


In Religion, it has been exciting as the preps have celebrated their first Ash Wednesday Mass with a liturgy run by our RE leader John Dini. They learned the importance of Shrove Tuesday and got to indulge in some delicious pancakes in celebration. In preparation for our first whole school Mass the preps created candles to show God’s undying light during the season of Lent and always.

We wish Tina D’Monte all the best as she travels to India for 3 weeks to celebrate the memorial of her mother's life, may Saint Christopher protect her with her travels.


Just a reminder:

  • Take home books have started - please ensure that your child brings their book bag so they can borrow a book. 
  • Read with your child each night the book they’ve brought home. Record it into their reading journal, the book’s title and a comment on how they went.
  • Make sure that book bags are bought on a Monday and they will be returned on a Tuesday with a new book.
  • Your child must be bringing a hat, as they need it for outside play.
  • Please make sure that you pack enough lunch and snacks for your child as they have a full day of learning and get very hungry
  • Label all of your child’s belongings, as we have a collection of un-named items accumulating, and we are yet to find their homes

Prep Team - Amanda, Donna, Imogen, Kiah, Mary, Sam & Tina. 


Learning Centre Two

These last two weeks have been very busy in LC2! Last week, many of our senior students participated in Cross Country tryouts, giving their all to try and make the OLSC team. Despite the heat, our students persisted and showed great resilience towards this challenge.



The smell of pancakes filled the air last Tuesday as Cheryl cooked up 250 pancakes for the students to enjoy. We were able to choose between maple syrup, jam, and lemon and sugar - they were delicious!


Last week, the 5/6s participated in a Cyber Safety session run by Sam from the Cyber Safety Project. Sam spoke to us about the importance of knowing about the different spaces we occupy online, privacy around passwords and online resources we can use if we have a problem online. It was a very engaging presentation and the students were captivated by the way Sam shared his knowledge. Two very important online resources for children and adults who have questions or concerns about cyber safety are:




This buddies session saw the students playing a game of snakes and ladders together. They followed the rules and played fairly, making sure everyone enjoyed themselves. It was lovely to see the students pick up their conversations so easily during this time. They are making wonderful connections with each other.


Year 5/6 Team: Alexandra, Ann, Anna, Chelsea, Cheryl, Danielle, Gillian, Isaac, Kristina, Lisa, Salena, & Scott.

Learning Centre Three

Halfway there… It's been a busy couple of weeks and everyone has been working really hard.


In literacy, we read Elmer and reflected on how they were feeling and the meaning behind the story. We also read Twinkle and retold the important parts.




In math, we have been creating numbers using icy pole sticks. For each ten that we make we wrap them in an elastic band to make a bundle and can then count quicker!





What’s on your plate? Students have been looking at healthy and unhealthy foods as well as sometimes and always foods.   


A couple of reminders…


*Take-home readers can be borrowed now, students will need to bring in a book bag to be able to take a book home. It is important that you read with your child at home as much as you can.


*Next week is a short week, we will be at school Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with Thursday and Friday being pupil free days. 


Year 1/2 Team - Alison, Bianca, Janeen, Jannine, Jess, Jordan, Marilyn, Shalome, Tasmin,  Sue and Sarena.



Learning Centre Four



Rice Paper Rolls


3/4's made rice paper rolls for the healthy eating unit in inquiry. We made rice paper rolls for them to learn about what we should eat and what we should not eat. We made them by using rice paper, carrots, cucumbers, capsicum, brussel sprouts and spring onion. 

                                                           By Ananya Y


Volume and Capacity


In Maths, 3/4's have been looking at volume and capacity. We have been using a variety of comtainers to compare their volume and capacity. We have practised skills of estimating, using informal units of measurement, and converting between units of measure. We also made our own crazy magic potions to demonstrate our understanding of units of measure in volume and capacity.  




We have been working on texts that teachers have been reading with students for a number of weeks. Over these weeks, we have practised different skills, such as predicting, visualising and now summarising. Here are a couple of examples of the responses:


Year 3/4 Team: Adam, Ben, Beth, Elizabeth, Emma, Gabby, Hayley, Helen, Isaac, John, Karen, Milla and Zach.