English - Term 3

English in Fisher
This term in Literacy, we are going to be continuing with Words Their Way with a focus on each of the Four Spelling Knowledges (Etymological, Morphemic, Phonological and Visual). Students were retested last term and new groups will be formed this term. We have clearly identified and documented each students spelling stage. We are tailoring activities to improve students spelling knowledge.
This term in Literacy, our focus on reading comprehension continues. In Fisher we will have Guided Reading sessions. Guided Reading is a strategy that helps students improve their reading. The teacher provides support for small groups of readers as they learn to use various reading strategies such as context clues, letter and sound relationships and word structure.
Each student has undertaken a CARS (Comprehensive Assessment of Reading Strategies) assessment and we have identified the areas of need for each student. Students will be participating in different activities related to skills and strategies that they need to continue to improve their reading and comprehension skills. Grammar, vocabulary, proof reading and self editing are going to continue to be a focus for all throughout the semester.
The Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC) is another goal this term, while the majority of students have been successful, there are many who are yet to complete one PRC sheet (reading and recording 12 books). It is a school expectation that all students complete at least one challenge. The closing date is Sept 5 this year.
In writing LA 10, 11, 12 will be focusing on procedure and report genre writing this term. In LA 13, 14, 12 the focus will be recount, explanation and report writing. Students will develop skills such as how to correctly format different genre writing, how to self edit and how to use dialogue correctly in their writing.
We are all looking forward to Book Week. Book Week will be celebrated in Week 10 this term. The theme is “Connect to read, reading to connect” The Book Week parade will be in Wednesday of Week 10.