Bike Education - Term 3

Bike Education
This term on Thursdays from weeks 2 to 8, the Year 4 and 5 students will participate in the Way2Go Bike Ed program. Way2Go Bike Ed is a national road safety initiative that encourages personal cycling safety, and the development of responsible behaviours when travelling and participation in physical activity for students.
The objectives of the Way2Go Bike Ed program are to enable children to achieve:
1. Knowledge and understanding of the road traffic environment and the applicable law
2. The development of physical and cognitive skills to manage such an environment safely, as a cyclist
3. The development of responsible behaviours, attitudes and decision-making skills for the safe use of bicycles both on and off the road through participation in enjoyable learning experiences relevant to their ages and abilities
Please go to the website for more information at
The Bike Ed instructors bring 15 bikes with them for students to use, however we are encouraging everyone to bring their own bike and helmet if they have them.
We have grouped all students so that all the Year 4 & 5 students are able to participate.
The session times are
Session 1: 9:00- 10:30
Session 2: 11:20 – 12:50
Session 3: 1.35: 3:05
Parent volunteers will be informed by their student’s teacher on times that they will be needed.