Science - Term 2

In science, LA15 has had a big focus on light. We have created questions to improve our knowledge about it or to remind us about the things that light can do.
Some of the questions were: What is a shadow? How fast does light travel? How does light travel? And how do you make a shadow?
We have done experiments on how tall a shadow can be. Our class has worked with mirrors to see an object or a toy in a dark area by placing the mirror in whatever position we think will work best, we then make two holes. One on any side of the box and one on its perpendicular side. We then shone a torch in one of the holes and looked through the other one, to see if we can see the object with the light from the torch and the light reflecting off the mirrors. If we can't, we have to rearrange the mirrors to our next position we think will work better.
We have now started to make a kaleidoscope. Our class had to watch a YouTube video and then write a procedure on how to make a kaleidoscope.
If you are interested in making one, watch the clip below...
Created by Howcast
There are lots of fun and easy ways to make one. Enjoy!