HASS/Health - Term 3

Keeping Ourselves Safe
It is a DECD requirement that the Child Protection Curriculum be taught in schools every two years. The specific aim of the Curriculum is to help students learn to recognise abuse and develop ways of protecting themselves from abuse. There are 2 main themes:
* We all have the right to be safe
* We can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust
The 4 focus areas are: The right to be safe - exploring the concept of safety, reviewing the concept of warning signs, unsafe situations and acceptable risk taking Relationships - understanding rights and responsibilities, trust and networks, developing personal identity, power in relationships Recognising and reporting abuse - privacy and names of parts of the body, recognising abuse, neglect and unsafe secrets, internet, telephone and media safety protective strategies - problem solving and keeping safe, review of networks.
For more information please make a time to speak with your child’s teacher.
Units of Inquiry
Year 3 Health-SACSA
'How do we keep ourselves safe?' Students will be inquiring into how they can keep safe. They will be identifying potential hazards or threats to their health and safety and devise plans for acting to protect themselves and their communities.
They will be applying their skills, knowledge and understanding when swimming, on camp, in the home and when on the road. This unit will be supplemented with aspects of the Child Protection Curriculum.
Year 4 Geography- The Australian Curriculum
'What does the world around us look like?'
Students’ mental maps of the world and their understanding of place will be further developed through learning the location of the major countries in South America and Africa and investigating their types of natural vegetation and native animals on those continents.
Year 5 Geography- The Australian Curriculum
'What makes places unique and different?' Students’ mental map of the world and their understanding of place will be further developed through learning about the location of the major countries of Europe and North America.
They will examine how climate and landforms influence the human characteristics of places, and how human actions influence the environmental characteristics of places.