The Arts - Term 2

Creating 3D portraits
LA12 have been making portraits and 3D portraits this term. This 3D portrait took 3 weeks to create. Marysa said, "I had a lot of fun using plaster because I never used it before."
She started with a milk bottle, newspaper and cardboard. She used newspaper for hair and cardboard for ears. Then she used plaster which made it white. She let it dry and then painted. After that she let it to dry and then added hair, glasses and a tie. That’s how she made this wonderful piece of art work.
3D Portraits by Myah & Clara
LA12 also have made a self-portrait. Michael said, "What I used was oil pastels and an A3 piece of paper. I outlined with a lead pencil and then I added colour with oil pastel using yellow, brown and a little bit of skin colour. This was done in term one it took me a long time to add colour.
Fun Art
LA12 have been creating 3D head sculptures in our art work and have been loving it so much we have been getting so messy but creative at the same time.
First we collected milk cartons and chopped the handle to make the nose and mouth. Next we used cardboard shapes for ears and added newspaper to make bumps and eyebrows.
Then we cut strips of plaster and used warm water before attaching them to the head. We had to let it dry for a few days so that it was hard and ready for the next stage.
Next we mixed orange paint with pink paint to make a orangey skin colour. Then we painted our sculptures the colour we just created.
Finally we added wool for hair and we painted eyes near the nose. Next we added earrings, hats, moustaches and glasses.
Slideshow work created by...
Lauren, Angelo, Zac, Rosie, Clara, Brittany, Myah, Nicole, Marysa, Michaela, Oscar, Sienna and Cosmo