Royal Adelaide Show - Term 3

LA10, LA11 and LA12
This term students will be creating artwork and digital photos to entertain an audience.
All students in LA 10, 11 and 12 will work on a piece of visual art to display in the school or at the Royal Adelaide Show Junior Art Competition. Many students elected to enter a digital print, drawing or painting into the competition. Entries closed at the end of last term.
Students that have entered their work in the Royal Show will have it on display in the Goyder Pavilion for the week at the showgrounds. Art pieces not entered into the show will be on display in the Fisher corridor. Art work will be created over the next few weeks, at school in class.
Some of the categories children have entered include portraits, animals, people in action, landscapes and digital photography. All work will be delivered to the Show for judging two weeks prior to the event and results will be displayed prior to the show online.
If a child is successful in winning an art prize, the money will be forwarded to the school after the show. The prizes will be presented in an assembly and all work will be acknowledged and celebrated by the school community.