Welcome back to Term 3!
Student Reporters
This term, our Fisher newsletter will be sent digitally to all of our students and families. As a result, several reporters have been chosen from each class in Fisher to share their reflections from last term. The majority of our newsletter this term will be edited by Myah in Y3 and Isabella in Y5.
The following pages aim to share and celebrate some of the learning that took place in Term 2. Well done to all of our reporters and editors!
Homework for Term 3
We have decided to return to Ian Lillico's research to reflect on homework in Fisher. We have developed a 12 box grid for the whole building which highlights areas for children to practice as essential daily homework and optional elements of homework that children choose from.
Children will be responsible for monitoring their homework, recording in their diaries and reflecting on their learning by completing responses to three key questions...
- What skills have you practiced and enjoyed?
Which activities did you enjoy the most and why?
How well did you organise yourself to complete your homework over the fortnight?
Children can email their teacher with their responses to the three questions and will also work with a partner in class to reflect on their learning beyond the classroom.
Staffing in Fisher Term 3
We welcome back Sofia and trust that she had a thoroughly great time in Europe. Cate will be on long service leave this term and we welcome Magda Balt to LA15.
Michelle Harous will continue in LA12 on Thursdays this term to enable Mike to co-ordinate Learning Technologies across LNPS.
Please make note of our staff email addresses for Term3.
LA10: Natalie.Brook980@schools.sa.edu.au
LA11: Mandy.Jones566@schools.sa.edu.au
LA12: Mike.Tarleton884@schools.sa.edu.au
LA12: Michelle.Harous405@schools.sa.edu.au
LA13: Belinda.Haley601@schools.sa.edu.au
LA14: Sofia.Andreucci891@schools.sa.edu.au
LA15: Magda.Balt167@schools.sa.edu.au
Arbury Park Camp
There is quite a lot of excitement in the Fisher building at the moment as students begin to think and talk about this year’s camp. In 9 weeks, all classes will be heading to the Arbury Park Outdoor School for our 2014 Fisher Camp. LA 10, 11 & 12 leave Monday 15th September and return Wednesday 17th September and LA 13, 14 & 15 leave Wednesday 17th September and return Friday 19th September.
In week 3, there will be a consent form and a medical form sent home for you to fill in, sign and return. An itinerary and a “What to bring” list will also be sent home around the same time. Thank you to the many parents who have already paid for their child to attend camp. Please remember you are able to make arrangements for part payments with the front office staff if needed. If you have any questions about the upcoming camp, please make a time to speak with your child’s teacher. For more information visit: http://www.arburypark.sa.edu.au/