Year 7

This was called Zappy Friday in Science during Week 2. The students spent the day learning all about static electricity and having a go at the Van de Graaf generator to see staticky fun.
More Science.....
Year 7 students doing a practical investigation on how ramps, a type of simple machine, therefore making our lives easier.
Shark Tank Presentations
The Year 7 students worked hard on their presentations and were competing for the honour of Shark Tank Winner. They had many and varied ideas and the presentations were a delight. Rory and Jett persuaded the audience, with a strong fight, to come out as winners forthright!
Well done to all participants and judges. One notable quote from the "Shark Tank" said, "Why pay for dental bills when you have your teeth fully filled with 'Jolly Lollies?'"
Students are analysing letter structure and arguments in prepatation for writing their own.