News from the Assistant Principal

Running Colour and Welcome picnic 

Well we had fantastic weather and so much fun in our first color run. 

There were many remarks of it being the best thing ever.

It was fantastic to see past present and future BRPS students all enjoying the community event. 

The teachers were very skilled in coloring the students and enjoyed the challenge of coloring every student!  

After the event the community event  celebrated the start of the year.

Thanks to all of the parents and teachers for their part in the event.

Special thanks also to the year 6 student leaders who helped out on the night selling sausages, zooper doopas, lollies as well as setting up and cleaning up. Its great to see you volunteering  to support the event. 

This was our first fundraising event for the year and we were raising money for our Eco STEM Centre which is in the design stage at the moment by Jenn Reed. 

So far we have raised over $15 000 which is a wonderful effort. 

The link to donate is still open  should you still wish to donate.

Class Parent Representatives

Thank you so much to the parents who have volunteered to be class parents this year. 

We will be having our first class rep meeting on  Tuesday 19th  March from 7-8pm.

In the staffroom. 

We will plan and discuss some exciting events in the year ahead. We value your input and ideas and report on  what's happening around the school. 


The class contact lists will be sent our via compass this week. Please make sure this list is not on public display. 

There are still a few grades looking for class parents. 

Year 1 M and year 3 L are looking for  class reps. 

Mothers Day Luncheon

Please see our invitation to the inaugural Mothers Day Luncheon on Thursday 2nd May. 

We encourage classes to get together and organise a table, invite your Mum, family and friends to this event. It will be a great day to celebrate being a Mum. 

see  newsletter page for full details and links.