Year 5 News

What a fortnight. Not only are reports and parent teacher interviews just around the corner, which meant the students have been working hard on end of semester assessments, but in addition, the students had one of the biggest days for Year 5, the How the World Works Showcase. 


Year 5 Showcase

Last Tuesday, all corners of the Beaumaris North Primary School community came to show their support for the Year 5s' Showcase. The work presented focused on natural disasters and how they impact the community. 

The students did an amazing job presenting their work for the entirety of the afternoon, with barely any time to rest. Dioramas, models, PowerPoint presentations, posters and even some ambient sound effects, the day had much to be explored and discuss all the various natural disasters that this planet experiences. It was a fantastic effort all round, with two weeks' worth of research, planning and creating, culminating to one massive celebration. 


Filling the Senior Learning Centre with the rest of the school's year levels and family and friends, the Year 5s were put to the test to demonstrate their knowledge on their chosen natural disaster. 

Finally, to add to the pressure of the day, the students were assessed by their teachers on their speaking and presentation skills. The Year 5 teachers are extremely proud of the continuous effort and resilience the students are demonstrating and the showcase was no exception.


Choices - Emotional Awareness

and Self Defence Program

BNPS were successful in gaining funding for wellbeing programs in 2023 through Andrea from Family Life.


In the past, we have offered the ‘Better Program’ and this time we have accessed the ‘Choices’ Program through Tritactics.


Our Year 5 students were given the opportunity to do an expression of interest in participating in the program and working to develop the best version of themselves.


Over the 8-week intensive program with 8 students, Mark Maddern from Tritactics has worked with students to develop their focus and attention in an effort to be mindful and present.


Our students have developed increased awareness of their emotions, understanding the impact of their attitude and developed an ability to know and accept themselves.


Our students have discussed respectful relationships, personal boundaries and limitations and conflict resolution. 


The group of students worked on their own ‘Kata’ to perform to their Year 5 peers.


Year 5 Choices Demo Practice 1

Year 5 Choices Demo Practice 2


Year 5 Choices demonstration

Here's to the final week and a bit for the term.