Year 4 News


We have been focusing on information text during our research for our showcase. Students are working towards presenting their knowledge on their 'big question' about the human body. 


Investigations into how allergies, smoking, exercise, temperature etc. affect our bodies are some of the questions students are researching.  



We are continuing to work on division and mental maths, building on our understanding that division and multiplication are inverse operations. Some students have extended their understanding solving division as decimals and fractions.  


Unit of Inquiry & PYP

Students presented their Sways as a learning task last week in small groups demonstrating knowledge of their system. Other members of their group who were also focused on the same body system, took notes so they became “experts” in that system.  



Students brainstormed with their groups on equipment required to make a model to accompany their research. T. 


Our showcase where students present their knowledge of their human body system was yesterday and we will be featuring this in the next edition of our newsletter.

Visitors to Year 4

We have recently had a number of student teachers and currently work experience students in Year 4, two of which were ex-students. It was lovely to welcome back Alexandra, a final year education student at Deakin and Maggie, Year 10 at Mentone Girls Grammar, both 'old' BNPS students. 


Year 4 Sport

Year 4 students have begun a new rotation of sport activities. Big thanks to the year 6 house captains who have ensured students are managed in teams, have variety in games and are playing by the rules.