Year 3 News

Virtual Reality Incursion

On Monday the 5 June, all year 3 students went to the Bungalow classroom for a Virtual Reality Incursion. At the start of the incursion a woman called Bridget introduced herself and then talked about Indigenous Australians. We were then handed out our V.R headsets which had a special type of phone inside of it.

The first video was about a dreaming story that tells us about what Indigenous Australians thought the start of the world was like. It included the rainbow serpent, giant Aboriginal spirit ancestors and meteorites hitting the earth. It looked very realistic and 3D. 


In the second video it showed an Indigenous dance. The Aboriginals in the video wore paint to represent their names and they had didgeridoos and clap sticks for music. 


The final V.R video showed another dance called the Mosquito dance. They presented the dance to show their people how to swat away mosquitoes using leaves. 


At the end we got to play a fun game about collecting food that includes termites, witchetty grubs, desert mushrooms, honey ants and eucalyptus leaves. It was a really fun and educating experience, a big thanks to Bridget for providing the headsets and spreading her knowledge about Aboriginal culture.


Written by Evelyn F and Rosie C


Dreaming Stories

We have been been working in small groups to create our own Dreaming Stories. We had to work collaboratively with a small group in OneNote to plan and write the story. 


The story needed to include indigenous artefacts and a message or a moral. We then transferred the stories to Word and printed books. We used our laptops to research how to draw the animals in our stories and individually illustrated the books. 


On Wednesday, the Year One students visited us and we read our stories to them. It was really fun sharing our work with the younger students. 

BEET (Extension Mathematics Group) 

Each week a group of kids get to go to BEET. It is an extra maths lesson and our teacher is Mrs Collins. We go on Thursday afternoons and Friday mornings. BEET is in the science room near the oval. 


BEET maths isn’t like the math you do in class it’s harder math. In BEET maths we do questions like 8x6 (5+9) =? & 52x26=? We also do lots of problem solving.


At the very start of each lesson we do a quick quiz. A quick quiz is where you try to solve a little sheet of 20 math questions as fast as you can then when you’re finished you say time Mrs Collins tells you the time you took (usually it’s under 3 minutes!) When everybody’s finished Mrs Collins calls out the answers and when you correct your sheet of paper you use a coloured pencil, if you get all of the questions right put a 20 in a gap of the sheet.


We really enjoy going to our BEET maths.

Written by Finn M and Bessie C (3A)

Specialist Report


In Science we are learning about different sorts of rocks. Here is a list crystals, fossils, gems, emeralds and gold. We have also been learning about microscopes and how to use them correctly.         



In Music we’re learning about different such as music from country, rock music and pop music from the 1980s.



In Art we’re making clay birds and where also doing weaving it is really fun! There are a lot of different steps, and we are all working at our own pace at different steps.



In Physical Education we are learning about circus skills. We learnt how to hoopla hoop, juggle and spin plates on sticks, and it was a little tricky but really fun!


By James R and Henry S W (3A)


Reading Rockstars

We would like to congratulate the following students for achieving their Reading Rockstars Certificate:

 Ella K, Henry S W, Sam S, Zoe B, Aiden M and Sienna M. 

Well done on a wonderful term of reading everyone!