Prep News

Grandparent’s Day

On Wednesday 14 June, we had a very special morning in Prep. We celebrated Grandparent’s Day and why our grandparents are so special to us. Our new Unit of Inquiry is “Where we are in place and time” so we will be learning about families, family traditions and how things have changed over time. Our grandparents thought lots of things have changed since they were in primary school.


Prep A

Our grandparents arrived at 9.15am and stayed until 10.30am in the Prep Learning Centre. We waited in the corridor while they all arrived so had to keep super quiet.


Prep B



Prep C


We sang some songs with actions, and all had a turn to speak into the microphone to say “I love my grandparents because…” The last song we sang was ‘Cover me in Sunshine’ and we learnt some sign language to show our grandparents. They all took lots of photos.


Once our performance had finished, we all shared a special morning tea with our grandparents outside or in our classrooms. Some of us showed them our favourite activities in our workbooks.


We had a fantastic morning, and our teachers are super proud of us all!

By the Preps


Inquiry - Popcorn Making

To tie in with our previous Unit of Inquiry the preps participated in a popcorn experiment. The preps considered how the popcorn sounded as it popped, what it smelt like, felt like and of course, tasted like! The students then completed a poster on their findings. It was a lot of fun!


Prep A


Prep B

Prep C


To help the Prep students develop a strong sense of number, we have been practising subitising.  Subitising is the ability to instantly recognize the number of objects in a small group without the need to count them.  


The children have been looking at collections of dots on the interactive whiteboard and calling out how many they see without counting.  They have also been rolling dice, in a variety of maths games, so they can instantly recognize the number of dots on the face of the dice.


Recently the Preps have had fun practising their subitizing skills using dominoes!  They were able to quickly recognise the number of dots on each side of the domino, add the numbers together and sort the dominoes based on their total.  Later, the children practiced turning the different dominos into more formal addition equations.  It has been lovely to see the students so engaged with their maths learning!

Old Fashioned Day Dress Up Day

Please look out for lots of gorgeous photos in our next newsletter.