OSHC in Photos 


Incidental Learning 

Last Monday, Finn and the students enjoyed spending the afternoon watching the arborists cutting down branches that were overhanging around the school. The students were lucky enough to be shown how the ropes work for climbing up and down trees safely and were given a demonstration on how the chainsaw works to cut down the smaller branches. Needless to say, a few of our students have decided they want to be an arborist when they grow up!   


Cooking Club

This week in Cooking Club students made Karen’s (our OSHC Chef) special recipe for Milo balls! Milo balls have been on the student request list for quite a few weeks, so they were very excited to jump straight in and make them. 


Thank you to Nick, our OSHC Head Chef for running the club and being so patient with the younger students!     



Calm Corner 

At OSHC we believe it’s important for students to have a designated place to go when they are feeling dysregulated. This fortnight we have been reflecting on the spaces we have at OSHC for students to take a break and regulate, we have been observing how our spaces are used and have reflected on what has and hasn’t work in the past. 


We’ve spent the last fortnight discussing with students how they would like to use these spaces and the common theme is that they wanted somewhere to go where other students were ‘not looking at them’.  We decided it was important to find a special place that students can use on their own, away from the other students but still close enough that educators can supervise them. 


We’ve found what we think is a perfect place and look forward to getting this area set up over the holidays. Student requests for this area include new noise cancelling headphones, fidget toys, sensory materials, music and pillows. 


We’d love to hear your thoughts; is there something you think we could add to this space? Do you have an idea for a name for this area? Any other suggestions? 


End of Term Arrangements

Just a reminder we are open from 2:30pm this Friday 23 June, to coincide with the early school finish for the end of term.  OSHC will close at the usual time of 6pm. If Friday is your usual booked day, your child will automatically be booked in for after school care, if you DO NOT require care on this day please let me know as soon as possible email   oshc@beauamarisnorthps.vic.edu.au 

Cheaper Child Care

From 10 July 2023, if your family earns under $530,000, you’ll get increased Child Care Subsidy (CCS).


The CCS percentage you’re entitled to depends on your family’s income.


The income limit to get the maximum CCS is increasing. Families earning up to $80,000 will get an increased maximum CCS amount, from 85% to 90%.


If you earn over $80,000 you may get a subsidy starting from 90%. This will go down by 1% for each $5,000 of income your family earns. You’ll either get more subsidy or have no change to your entitlement.

If you have more than one child aged 5 or under, you can still get a higher rate for one or more of your children.


If you already get CCS, you don’t need to do anything to get the increased rate. The changes to your CCS will be applied automatically.  


Child Care Subsidy: Balancing Deadlines Approaching


At the end of the financial year, which is 30 June, Services Australia compares your income estimate with your actual income to check you got the right amount of Child Care Subsidy (CCS). This is called balancing.

You need to confirm your family’s income before Services Australia can balance your payments. There are deadlines.

One Year After The Financial Year Ends

You have one year to confirm your income.

If you don’t confirm your income within 12 months after the end of a financial year your CCS will stop and you’ll have to pay full fees for child care.


If you got CCS for 2021–22 you have until 30 June 2023 to confirm your income.

Two Years After The Financial Year Ends

If you still haven’t confirmed your income two years after a financial year ends you may have to repay any CCS you received for that financial year.


If you haven’t confirmed your income for 2020–21 you must do so by 30 June 2023.

How To Confirm Income

Confirm your income by:

Learn more about the balancing process on the Services Australia website.



Quote Of The Fortnight

'Rock bottom will teach you lessons that mountain tops never will' - Unknown 


As always, families are welcome to give us feedback about any aspect of the program. We welcome your input! Please feel free to come in and have a chat with Kelly or Amanda or email oshc@beaumarisnorthps.vic.edu.au