Student Interview 

Student Interview with Annabel W and Jack B form 4C


What do you love about school?

Annabel- I love our playground facilities, they are very efficient.


Jack- Probably my friends.

What are you most proud of?

Annabel- I am most proud of my story writing.


Jack- My maths and sports.


Who is your hero?

Annabel- Lexi, because she makes everyone around her laugh.


Jack- My mum and dad.

Do you play a sport or have a 


Annabel- I play basketball and I love to draw.


Jack- I play basketball, football, baseball and I also swim.


What do you want to be when you grow up?


Annabel- I want to be a cattle farmer, I love animals.


Jack- Either a scientist or professional basketball player.

What did you see recently that made you smile/be happy?

Annabel- My friends, definitely my friends.


Jack- Watching the students smile in our year 4 show case yesterday.


If you had a wish, what would you wish for?


Annabel- I wish to win our basketball grand final next season.


Jack- To solve a cure for all illnesses with one pill.