Principal's Report

What A Term!

Sometimes you look at the number of weeks in a term and think this is so long how will we get through to the holidays but term 2, 2023 was too short.


I would like to sincerely thank our staff and students for completing 11 weeks work in 9 weeks.


Term 2 is our assessment and reporting term, but we usually have 11 weeks to complete these requirements.  We have already checked next year's calendar and are very relieved to know that term 2 in 2024 will be 11 weeks.


Year 1 Excursion to Puffing Billy 

Congratulations to our Year 1 students and their teachers for braving the extreme bitter weather conditions on Monday.  The weather didn’t bother the children as they continually had to be reminded to leave their jackets on.  


They say every picture says a thousand words and the smiles on our students faces tell you what they thought of the day.

Please watch the wonderful video of the day on the Year 1 page.


Grandparents Day in Prep

It was hard to know who was most excited last week whether it was the Prep students or their grandparents.  It was wonderful seeing the excitement and pride on the faces of everyone in the Prep rooms for this special morning of celebration.


Old Fashioned Day in Prep 

The creativity of our families never ceases to amaze me when I witness the fashions in the Prep rooms.


I had a visit from Mia from Red room who proudly showed me the case her grandma took to school complete with copies of the early reading material she used when she was at school.  


Mrs Murnane remembered the readers from her Prep days!  


I felt very inadequate as a grandma when Mia told me her grandma had made her outfit.  My poor grandchildren are not that lucky!


Mia followed up our meeting by telling me she would 'FaceTime' her grandma and tell her about the day.  How times have changed for us all!


I would like to thank all of our parents for providing outfits for the children.  Dress up days would not be possible without your support.

Somers Camp

Every two years our school is offered a limited number of places at the Department of Education and Training’s Somers School Camp. 

This year 21 of our students in Years 5 and 6 will attend the Somers Camp next term.  The camp has both indoor and outdoor activities all run by specialist permanent teaching staff with the assistance of nine local teachers who will accompany the children to and from the camp.  


We look forward to hearing all about their experiences, on their return.

Resilience Profile Workshop for Parents – PD Recording


Here is the link to the recording for those who couldn't make the live session last Tuesday or would like to watch the presentation again. 


Elias, from The Resilience Project presented to our parent community on the student data from our 2023 Resilience Youth Survey and things we can do as parents and educators to help improve BNPS student wellbeing.


The presentation goes for 1hr and is well worth a listen. Please note that this link will expire on the 28 June.               



By now all families will have received their semester one student achievement reports.  The reports went live Wednesday at 3.30 pm on compass.


I would like to congratulate our students on their dedication and commitment to each of their learning tasks and assessment requirements.


I would also like to sincerely thank our staff for the time and dedication given to preparing these reports, learning tasks and parent teacher interviews as well as organising the many special class events, excursions and special days.


Staff Change

We would like to wish Mr Nick Arnold all the best as he moves to another work environment next term.  


We would like to thank him for his contribution in his role as Year 6 teacher and Numeracy Specialist in the many years that he has work at BNPS.


Both staff and students will miss him!

Parents Bingo Disco

I would like to thank our Parents & Friends on another successful term.  Coming soon -

  • Movie Fundraiser - Disney’s Pixar Elemental - Sunday July 9
  • Winter wonderland Disco for the whole school - Friday 28 July
  • Bunnings Sausage Sizzle - Saturday 29 July

Everyone at BNPS appreciates all of your work!


Disco Bingo Parents Night Out


On Saturday night the Parents and Friends Committee hosted the 2023 Disco Bingo Parents Night Out.  


Seventy Disco Divas and Dudes had a wonderful night at the Beaumaris Bowls Club, enjoying delicious paella, some amazing tunes and a cheeky beverage or two.  There were afros and sequins, headbands and fur and even some surprise dance moves by the Paella man! A fun night had by all.


A huge thank you to Cathryn Verlaan for putting such a wonderful night together.  It was lovely to see everyone enjoying a night out.


Please enjoy this video of our lovely parents doing the 'Nutbush' dance:)

 Friday Sing A Long At The Canteen

It began with the Prep & Year 1 students singing at the canteen and now has progressed to a sing along with lots of students joinig in on the fun. It is so nice to see all the students interacting with each other and students who initially too shy to join in taking on the microphone :)

End of Term -Final Assembly

The final Assembly for this term 

Date – Friday 23/06/23

Time – 2:10pm

Venue – Sherril’s Shed



Term 2 will finish at 2.30 this Friday.  Weather permitting, we will have a whole school assembly at 2pm.  If you are unable to collect your child at our early dismissal time OSHC will be operating.  Please ensure you book your child into this program if you require care.


I do hope everyone has a relaxing break over the school holidays and I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday July - Term 3.


Kind regards

Sherril Duffy
