Senior School

Years 11 & 12

YR 12

General Achievement Test: GAT 2023

15 JuneThe GAT will be held on Thursday

The GAT is a test of general knowledge and skills including communication, mathematics, science and technology, the arts, humanities, and social sciences taken by students who are enrolled in a Unit 3 and 4 subject.


The results from the test do not contribute directly towards a student’s VCE results but it plays an important role in checking that school-based assessment and external assessments have been accurately assessed.


The GAT will be conducted in two sections.

  1. Section A will assess literacy and numeracy skills: 9.00 am – 11.15am
  2. Section B will assess skills in mathematics, science, technology, the arts, humanities, with an increased focus on critical and creative thinking skills: 1.15pm – 3pm


Good Luck Girls!