Middle School

Years 9 &10

YR 9 & 10

Modern Day Prophet Dr Sr Mary Glowrey

On Tuesday 30th May, Fiona & Louise from the Mary Glowrey Museum came to speak to the Year 9s about the life and effect of Dr Sr Mary Glowrey on the world. In 1920 Mary gave up her career as a doctor in Australia to take up a calling to India to care for vulnerable women and children. She became a religious Sister with the Society of Jesus, Mary, Joseph in Guntur and served as a Sister doctor in Guntur. She directly and indirectly ministered to hundreds of thousands of patients who would not otherwise have received care. 


The Year 9 cohort are heading into their new Religious Education topic of Modern Day prophets, so hearing the values, characteristics and dedication of Mary's life helped them to distinguish what kinds of people in today's society are helping spread God's message to the world and showing prophet-like characteristics. Mary Glowrey is only the second Australian to be considered for official recognition as a saint. Her Cause for Canonisation opened in India in 2010, and the Catholic Church has granted her the title Servant of God. 


We look forward to seeing who the Year 9 students deem qualified for the title of Modern Day Prophet, and hope we can all see a little bit of ourselves reflected in these people and their values. 


Ms Hannah Hale  Religious Education Learning Leader

Synergy - Year 9 Bryce

I just wanted to share with you some reflections from Year 9 Bryce on the Synergy program they just completed. 


Judging on how I went on my final synergy presentation I think I was able to overcome my challenges and worked very well on my weaknesses.  At the start, I struggled so much with flexibility in my work process since I had almost no experience working with people I don’t usually work with.  As for being resilient, I’d say I did amazing honestly.  Synergy probably has been one of the most stressful times of my life with many ups and downs, struggles and triumphs.  


EVERYTHING was stressful and I thank synergy for making me want to put effort, to want to strive for the best and to continue to be resilient for the sake of my group and myself.  Resilience also came from dealing with my synergy group as well. Yes, there were some issues that occurred but we were all resilient, moving past these problems and working together.

Ms Vanda Pugliese  Year 9 Synergy Team