Sr Mary Moloney rsm
Sr Mary Moloney rsm
Dear Members of the Academy Community,
While this does not apply to me as I love winter, for many people winter can be a difficult period of time – days of cold and rain, shorter days, grey skies and a melancholy feel hovering in the background. However the spirits of all were lifted last week as we celebrated through dance, drama and music, the giftedness and talents of so many of our students.
Our musical, Legally Blonde Jr, lifted the spirits of all. In the midst of the grey skies so many members of our community were wearing pink in acknowledgement of the theme of the musical.
I take this opportunity to extend particular thanks to Ms Olivia Hamilton, Ms Alison Hocking and all involved in the production of the musical. I would also like to acknowledge Mr Ryan Bentley and the talented students from Simonds College who were involved in the production as well as extending a special thanks to parents and families of all performers involved for their support and assistance. I suppose I should extend a special thanks to Olivia’s dog, Sparkles, who was a star in her own right! View Gallery below.
It was a true celebration of the Academy community with many staff assisting as ushers, front of house and backstage support. I would also like to particularly acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of our parent body led by Nancy Cover who arranged the catering for each of the nights and welcomed all our visitors. Nancy also is to be commended for her artistic talents which transformed the Murray Room into a sea of pink and set the scene prior to our guests entering the hall for the performance.
Discussion is already taking place about the 2024 musical and, from what I am hearing, if all goes according to plan it will be a spectacular choice.
We now come to the all-important examination period with Year 11 examinations having commenced and the GAT and Year 10 examinations taking place next week. Sustained study, effective organization and a positive mindset will achieve the best results. I wish students well during this important period.
The prayer is an appropriate one to acknowledge all the wonderful artists in our midst and we have indeed seen these artists at work over the past days as we came together to enjoy Legally Blonde Jr.
Every blessing,
Sr Mary Moloney rsm
Prayer for Artists
Lord, remember your artists.
Have mercy upon them and remember with compassion all those that reflect the good, the ill, the strengths and the weaknesses of the human spirit.
Remember those who raise their voices in unending song, those who pour their souls into music loud and soft.
Remember those who put pigment to surface,
carve wood and stone and marble, who work base metals into beauty, those building upwards from the earth toward heaven.
Remember those who put thought to paper by computer and by pen; the poets who delve, the playwrights who analyze and proclaim, the dreamers-up of narrative, all those who work with the light and shadows of film.
Remember the actors moved by Spirit and dancers moving through space.
Remember all these artists whom you have placed among us, for are they not, O Lord, the fellows of your inspiration? Do they not, Lord God, bring to your people, great proof of your divinity and our part in it?
Remember your artists and show them mercy and compassion that they may do the same and so uplift all your people. That they may cry forth your praises, as we do here.