Across Campus
Justice, Clubs, Excursions
Across Campus
Justice, Clubs, Excursions
On the 23rd of May, the students of the Year 12 Italian class participated in a Cultural Immersion excursion. We began with an early dinner at “Ti Amo” and then settled in at COASIT where we listened to the moving debut performance of senior Italian migrant women, the “Madre Lingua” choir. This was followed by an equally moving screening of the 30th anniversary of the documentary “Le Gioie Delle Donne '' about a group of Italian senior migrant women from Perth who came together and sang traditional Italian songs and, who were able to find a voice for their experiences in 1950s & 60s through song. The documentary was also the first documentary screened at the Nova and was so hugely successful, that it heralded the beginning of documentary screenings at the Nova.
The emotional songs of the “Madre Lingua” singers elicited nostalgia and reflection in both the members of the Italian immigrant community who were present and in our Academy students. These songs are important as they reflect the lives of immigrant women, and the way they explore the unique experiences of the Italian community in Australia. This struck a chord with all those who participated in the joyful singing and listening.
After witnessing this screening of “Le Gioie Delle Donne”, the students made these comments:
Marta, language assistant: “La storia raccontata nel film parlasse anche di me.”
Mia: “The film made me feel proud to have nonni who have experienced similar stories, as my grandmother was also a part of one of the singing groups led by the choir director Kevisha.”
Elena: “The stories of the women were very moving and reminded me of my own grandparents, especially my grandfather who was a musician who performed in a band for my grandmother and for fellow Italian immigrants.”
Kayla: “I discovered the importance of the continued tradition of Italian dialects which still exist within Australia and are kept alive within the Italian immigrant community.”
Sienna: “In Year 11 Italian, Professoressa Camera asked to interview our grandparents and write it up in Italian, as a gift for them. I had the pleasure of interviewing my Nonno about his immigration experience, from Italy to Argentina to Australia. This film has made me appreciate the recording I have of his life story, and in this way, his experience will live on beyond his years.”
Alexandra and Alannah: “Learning about the Italian migration experience through this film was an invaluable lesson and helped us to further appreciate those in our families who have endured similar things. We were both missing our grandparents by the end of the film.”
Sophia: “The film made me very emotional as it reminded me of my grandmother who has unfortunately passed away. Aside from that, the film resonated with me as I could feel the deep sense of loss within Italian immigrants who, upon returning to Italy, discovered that their way of life had been lost.”
Ida: “I loved hearing the songs live and then learning about their significance in both Italy and the Italian immigrant community.”
Overall, the songs communicated what is known as “i sogni nel cassetto” (hidden dreams) of women and immigrants of the past. The students learned to cherish their Italian culture and those who have come before them. Ultimately, the students felt deeply connected to the Italian migrant songs and were able to appreciate and admire the impact of the Made in Italy cultural tradition and brand throughout Australia and, even more so, throughout the world.
Grazie di cuore to all immigrants who made sacrifices and endured hardships to come to Australia for a better life for themselves and for generations to come. We are proud that the Academy of Mary Immaculate has had a tradition of welcoming migrant families for over 160 years.
Lastly, thank you to the Yr 12 Italian class who embraced the evening by singing along with the choir, especially to the anthem La Lega (Sebben che siamo donne, paura non abbiamo). They even got a mention by the presenter for their enthusiasm and exceptional participation on the night.
“O li o li o là” e distinti saluti"
Ms Elena Camera Italian Teacher
Professoressa Camera e la classe italiana d’anno 12
To celebrate National Reconciliation Week, the McAuley Resource Centre was pleased to offer the physical space of the Library for the special guest speaker, Professor Michelle Foster, to address members of our community. During lunchtime on Tuesday 30 May, students and staff had the opportunity to come together to listen to a very engaging and interactive presentation on The Voice to Parliament. Several important messages were highlighted with the aim to assist our understanding of this important topic that has national significance.
We are also displaying the posters that were entered by the Year 7s for Earth Day that are spreading the message on how we can reduce our carbon footprint and promote the 2023 theme “Invest in Our Planet”.
Happy Reading
Ms Cathy Bennett and Ms Anne Girolami
MRC Co-Learning Leaders