Primary Years Program

IB PYP Learner Profile Attributes
The International Baccalaureate Learner Profile Attributes define the kinds of learners we are striving to develop at Murrumbeena Primary School. Development of the Learner Profile Attributes is the overarching goal of the Primary Years Programme (PYP). We want our students to be caring, principled, thinkers, open minded, communicators, risk takers, knowledgeable, reflective, inquirers and balanced.
I recently worked with a group of enthusiastic and knowledgeable Year 6 students to inquire into what each of the learner profiles attributes actually means. We then used our thinking skills to develop a set of student friendly criteria to describe what achieving each attribute would look like.
This led to the development of the MPS student friendly version of the Learner Profile Attributes below.
Can you find where the school values (respect, relationships, responsibility and resilience) are embedded within the Learner Profile Attributes?
Each newsletter this term, we will be choosing 2 Learner Profile Attributes to focus on to further develop the community’s understanding of each. This week we are focusing on caring and principled.
In the table below, you will see examples of how caring and principled may be displayed at school or at home.
The IB’s description of each learner profile can be found here.
You might like to take the opportunity to further discuss the Learner Profile Attributes of caring and principled over the next 2 weeks. Can you come up with other examples of how to be caring and principled?
Thank you to Gianni, Serena, Josephine, Risha, Zeal, Laurine for their valuable contributions which led to such a worthwhile and valuable resource for our school.
Angela Houghton
PYP Coordinator