Student Welfare and Wellbeing News

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Respective Relationships News

Social and emotional learning is about developing the ability to care for others, make responsible decisions, establish positive relationships and handle challenging situations. These skills are essential for developing resilience and the personal attributes that promote wellness, prevent illness and support recovery.


Social development occurs throughout life and explains how we recognise, interpret and respond to social situations. Healthy social development is a known protective factor for children and young people's mental health and wellbeing. 


Daily contact and interactions with family members, educators and friends teaches children and young people about the social world and the rules, practices and values that support it. Social development is also influenced by wider networks including extended family, as well as participation in the community and culture around them. 

Through their relationships and connections with others, children build a sense of who they are and where they fit in the social world. By actively participating in these relationships, children also affect the ways that adults and their peers relate to them.


Social and Emotional Learning at CSPS is ongoing.