Safety & First Aid News 

Spring and Summer means more students start to spring into action and walk to school.  This also means more balls relating to sports are bought to school.  

Can we please remind students to refrain from bouncing balls along Browns and Pearcedale Roads, particularly near the school crossings.

Some students have been carelessly running near or onto the road to retrieve a ball.

PEEP - Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan 

What is a PEEP?

A Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) is a practical measure to ensure appropriate actions are taken for an individual in the event of an emergency, where that person requires additional or specific assistance to evacuate a building or premises.


Who needs a PEEP?

A PEEP is required for students who may need assistance in the event of an emergency due to:

  • Mobility impairment
  • Hearing impairment 
  • Visual impairment
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Temporary condition (medical condition or short-term injury)

The document provides a framework to guide the planning and provision of emergency evacuation of a person with an assistance need.


How is a PEEP used? 

The role of PEEPs for students is to ensure that planning is completed for the individual and the assistant on the process to evacuate in an emergency situation. PEEPs are rehearsed, and if necessary adjusted as a part of the school’s overall emergency drills/exercises – PEEPs are not intended to be used for reference in the actual emergency situation. 

The plan should outline the specific procedure to be followed in the event an evacuation is triggered and will also state the designated person(s) who will provide assistance during the evacuation. This is a sample template and can be tailored to suit the individual’s circumstances. 

Where possible, the student should have an age-appropriate role in contributing to their plan and the decisions taken.


Who receives a copy of a PEEP?

Once completed, a copy of the PEEP should only be shared by the principal on a ‘need to know’ basis.  This generally includes the student’s parent/carer, the student (as appropriate), the specified assistant/s and the relevant warden.

To ensure compliance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic), if this PEEP contains any private/sensitive information, it must be securely maintained and kept separate to your school’s Emergency Management Plan (EMP).     


A PEEP form will soon be available on the school's website or from the First Aid room.

These plans will be revised each year at Student Support Group meetings. These plans will be included in discussions concerning our Emergency Management Plan.