We are here for the community


School Council met on Wednesday 30th August onsite. Some notables discussion points include: 

  • Student leaders presentation - House Captains
  • NAPLAN results 2023
  • Professional Practice Day 25th August
  • Hire of School Facilities Policy 
  • Fundraising
  • OSHC Grant application - Holiday program

School Council Self-Assessment Tool 

Commencing Term 1, 2024, School Council President and Principal will implement the following mechanisms to lead consultation and gain community feedback.

Term Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4
FormatCSPS localised survey led by LeadershipOnsite meeting led by School Council President and/or SC members

DET Parent Opinion Survey 

* All parents invited

Online meeting led by School Council President and/or SC members*

* Principal invited

FocusAIP; Learning and WellbeingWellbeingOverarchingLearning

Introducing School Council members

Hi my name is Nat and I have been a member of the school council for the past 2.5 years and have two daughters that attend Cranbourne South Primary School. I was always interested to become a school council member when my eldest daughter joined CSPS. I saw this as a great opportunity to get to know the staff on a more personal level as well as other local parents. I was also studying education and felt it would be a unique opportunity to see a different side of how a school operates and to have a voice in the important decisions that impact our children. My time as a school council member has been a fantastic experience and I look forward to many more years of contributing to the growth and reputation of our wonderful school. 









Child Safe; Complaints Policy

School Council monitor on an ongoing basis the effectiveness and implementation of risk controls that have been considered in the Child Safe Risk Register.

Existing controls:

  • CSPS Complaints Policy outlines the controls in place to ensure students are provided with accessible, culturally safe and easily understood information on raising a complaint or concern
  • CSPS Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedures outlines the procedures for responding to complaints or concerns relating to child abuse 
  • CSPS Complaints Policy and Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedures is publicly available on the school website 
  • CSPS Complaints Policy and CSPS Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedures are implemented by all relevant staff 
  • CSPS Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy sets out all recordkeeping, privacy and information sharing obligations that must be met when responding to complaints and concerns.
  • All complaints and concerns are managed in accordance with employment law obligations and CSPS seeks advice from Employee Conduct Branch and Legal Division when dealing with complaints and concerns relating to child abuse by a member/former member of staff or school council employee or contractor