The winter solstice has come and gone this week. The day, Thursday 22nd June, had the shortest daylight hours and brought with it an icy frost. Don’t get excited about it warming up again too quickly, as there is a lag in temperature as we get more daylight, so the days will be cold for a while yet.


At the end of this semester we say farewell to Lyndal Robinson, Gemma Harrower and Brian Reeves.  Ms Robinson will return in Term 1, 2024, Ms Harrower in Term 1, 2025 and Mr Reeves will move back to Melbourne to be closer to his family and take up his golf sticks again. We wish them well during their time away.


In farewelling some staff, we also welcome Nicole Bail, Francesca Gomez and Jaclyn Clark.  Ms Bail has taken up a position of Canteen Assistant for two days a week and Learning Resource Centre Assistant for one day a week. Ms Gomez and Ms Clark are returning to teaching after a period of leave. It is great to have all three staff in our community.


This week I have advertised four positions at our school. A teaching position is available, with the number of days able to be negotiated. It is a difficult time for employing teachers. If you know of anyone interested, please direct them to the Guardian, the school website ( or the Teachers on Net website ( The other positions are various non-teaching positions. All information in regard to these positions can also be found on our College website.


Although the days are currently very cold, we have a number of students attending school in uniform dress or shorts and appear quite cold. I encourage you to have a conversation with your child about the appropriate attire for the current weather.


Clark’s Gift Salon now have the required PE socks available for purchase. As a school, we will be providing all Year 7 and 8 students with a pair of PE socks in week 1 of Term 3. The expectation is that all students wear the uniform PE socks with their PE uniform.


For forward planning purposes, there are two student free days in Term 3. The first day is Thursday 27th July (Staff Religious Education Professional Learning Day) and the second day is Friday 25th August (Staff, ReLate Program Day 3).


I wish your family well over the winter break. If you are travelling I pray that you stay safe and look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday 10th July.