Year 3/4 –Celebrating Learning


At the end of Term 2, all of the grade 3/4s had the opportunity to go on camp to the Alexandra Adventure Resort. It was about a 2-hour drive from school, so we left early on Monday morning to get there for morning tea. In our activity groups, we rotated through so many fun activities, like the flying fox, giant swing, gaga ball, rock climbing, high-ropes course and more. On the first night we watched a movie: Paddington 2, and on the second night we put on a campfire and sang some songs and told stories to one another. Here are some of the things students have said about their time at camp:



“I liked the food and the giant swing was really fun. I also liked crate stacking and the flying fox.” - Shae-Karla Brown
“It was so cold! My favourite activity was the giant swing and the flying fox. I liked watching the movie too.” - Shaniquae Pickett 
“The giant swing was amazing and I also liked rock climbing.” - Galnya-Mulana Morgan