Class 1 Steiner

Celebrating Learning

Welcome to Term 3! 1S have been so excited to be back at school after the holidays. 

Our first main lesson block for this term is Dreamtime stories. This past fortnight, we have read The Rainbow Serpent, Tiddalick and How the Birds Got Their Colours. Students have been exploring these texts through illustrations, written and verbal retells, activity worksheets and performances with puppets. If you get a chance, prompt them to tell you one of these stories! 

In Maths, 1S have begun exploring multiplication and shortly we will be linking this in with division. Students have been using the language of ‘groups of’ and been solving multiplication problems with worked examples and concrete materials. 


Thank you so much to all the families who were able to join us for our morning circle! It has been such a joy to share our songs, versus and games with you all. We’ll open morning circle up again in the future as the class has loved having you visit.