Year 1/2–Celebrating Learning


What we have been up to: 

We have had a great start to Term 3! This term we are looking at celebrations and how people celebrate things in different ways. Our Key Questions for our learning this term are:

  • How and why do we celebrate our Elders?
  • Why are celebrations important and how are they passed down from one generation to another?
  • What can I learn about different cultures through their celebrations?


In the next few weeks, students will bring home questions to ask someone in their community. The questions will be around celebrations and traditions. We would love to have people from our students’ communities who would like to come in and share their cultural traditions and celebrations with our students. Please make contact with your child’s teacher if you interested.


Towards the end of the term, 1/2 Mainstream students will have an evening of celebrating their learning. This will include a display of student learning and work samples, dinner and a movie. This event will replace the 1/2 sleepover. It will be an exciting end to the term and a great way for students to showcase their learning and understanding. More details will be released closer to the event. 



We are focussing on multiplication and division this term. Students will be looking at different strategies to support their understanding and problem solving. Over the last few weeks, we have looked at skip counting, repeated addition and their link to multiplication. We are also looking at the days of the week, months of the year and calendars. This will link well to our understanding of when different celebrations are held throughout the year.



Students are completing the Little Learners Love Literacy Stage 7.3 sounds in phonics. These sounds are: oo as in goose, oo as in oops, as in push, oul as in could, ow as in cow, ou as in ouch, oi as in noisy, oy as in toys and le as in little.

Students are exploring narrative writing and developing stories to engage the audience. They are using a seed to prompt an idea, planning their story, drafting, revising and editing. 


What’s to come in the next two weeks:


Students will be interviewing a member of their community about celebrations and presenting their findings to their class. 


In our phonics sessions, we will be revising the Stage 7.3 sounds.  In Writing, we are looking at narrative texts and continuing to practise the writer’s process of planning, drafting, revising and editing.


In Maths, we will continue making the connections between multiplication and division. Students will also explore the use of calendars and the links between European seasons and the seasons of Indigenous Australians.