Year 5/6 Steiner–Celebrating Learning

Class play to be a hit!


Finally, it is the beginning of Term 3 which means we are beginning the preparations for the class play. The final performance of ‘Rama and Hanuman’ which is open to friends and family of 56S will be put on in the Babajen (their class space) on Thursday the 10th of August at 5:00pm.


We have begun with a swing and the students are truly enjoying their roles in getting ready for the performance, many of them getting right into the spirit of acting and theatre. Practice scripts are being sent home for line reading and new versions will be given to them shortly. Below are some thoughts on the class play so far from students.


Teresa says, “It’s been really fun practising and seeing everyone do such a good job with their roles”.
Gabe says, “I like all the jokes in the play”.
Noah K says, “I’m enjoying the play, but some of my lines would be better changed” (Eddie has made these changes).
Rosalie says, “The roles are fun to act out, and Eddie’s humour in the writing has made it fun”.
Daisy says, “I like the bum joke, and I can’t wait to perform the play”.